Thursday, 22 March 2018

Persuading someone to change a belief or to do something that largely benefits you is often difficult. However, if you carefully plan your message and use the indirect strategy to structure your message, you will be more persuasive.

3. Writing Persuasive Requests, Making Claims, and DeliveringComplaints
Persuading someone to change a belief or to do something that largely benefits you is often difficult. However, if you carefully plan your message and use the indirect strategy to structure your message, you will be more persuasive.
The following message attempts to persuade the reader to invest in the Lemur Furniture Company. Read the letter, and then answer the questions.
April 20, 2013
Ms. Jeanne Doherty
Chief Investment Officer
Save the Earth Investments
111 Main St.
Sunnytown, CA 94025
Dear Ms. Doherty:
[1] When you and your clients are thinking about investments in eco-friendly enterprises, don’t be bamboozled by bamboo. Bamboo grows up to three or four feet a day and, therefore, offers an affordable, beautiful, eco-friendly source for furniture.
[2] We are the Lemur Furniture Company. In the last ten years, we have increased our profit margin by 50 percent by creating bamboo furniture products. We have doubled our staff size, and we recently added five best-selling bamboo products to our line. Save the Earth Investments invests in companies that believe in creating a more sustainable environment. We also believe in sustainability; therefore, we embarked on a thorough review of similar companies. Anderson Research Inc. found that Lemur has the best quality bamboo furniture at the lowest prices and uses the most eco-friendly production process.
[3] To continue our ten-year tradition of excellence—supported by two Greenify Awards and three Certificates of Excellence from World Sustain—we ask for your investment. We are currently designing three new product lines for 2014: picnic tables, lawn chairs, and benches. These products are comfortable and beautifully designed. We intend to have them ready for production by June. These products have been met with positive reviews from our test customers, and we believe they will increase our profit margin by another 25 percent.
[4] We will have our sample products from the new lines in our showroom next week. I am eager to show you how beautiful they are. You are invited to be our special guest for a product launch party on May 22; I will phone you on Friday, May 16, to confirm that you will attend.
Sincerely yours,
Joseph Pelletier
What is effective about the body of this message? Check all that apply.
Establishes credibility
Begs the question
Ties facts to reader benefits
Uses circular reasoning
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Showing how your request can benefit the receiver directly or indirectly can strengthen your argument. When the receiver does not know you, establish your expertise, refer to your credentials, and demonstrate your competency. Circular reasoning and begging the question are not effective techniques for persuasion in most workplace settings because they do not provide new evidence or facts to support the argument.
In paragraph [2] of the message, which statement establishes credibility?
Anderson Research Inc. found that Lemur has the best quality bamboo furniture at the lowest prices and uses the most eco-friendly production process.
Save the Earth Investments invests in companies that believe in creating a more sustainable environment.
We are the Lemur Furniture Company.
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“Anderson Research Inc. found that Lemur has the best quality bamboo furniture at the lowest prices and uses the most eco-friendly production process” establishes credibility by using research as support. Establishing credibility reduces resistance. If the receiver does not know you, establish expertise, refer to your credentials, and demonstrate competency. The other two options do not establish credibility.
An effective, persuasive claim or complaint message requires a clear understanding of the situation and request. Be sure to choose the appropriate tone and organization to improve the reception of your message.
Effective claim messagespresent a logical case with clear facts   .
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A successful, persuasive claim message uses a moderate tone, develops a logical, persuasive argument, and makes a reasonable request. Do not express disappointment or make your request vague. State your claim clearly, and hit the highlights to provide the reader with enough information to accept your request.
How should you open an effective complaint message? Check all that apply.
With a compliment
With a statement of disappointment
With a rational, objective, unemotional tone
With a lengthy review of the situation
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Opening your letter with a compliment, a point of agreement, a statement of the problem, or a brief review of the actions you have taken in a rational, objective, and unemotional tone are effective persuasive techniques that will motivate change. Do not begin with a lengthy review of the situation or a statement of disappointment. These techniques will alienate your reader immediately.

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